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47 Shocking Food & Nutrition Facts That’ll Blow Rainbow Confetti Out Of Your Noggin

food facts, interesting food facts, shocking food facts, nutrition facts, fun food facts, random food facts

Photo: Sailer

Tonic water glows azure blue under a black light; bananas are berries, while strawberries and raspberries aren’t; and Chipotle uses 70 avocados to whip up a single batch of guacamole. Fact, fact, fact.

We’ve compiled our inaugural list of obscure, perplexing, research-backed food facts, stuffed from start-to-finish with 47 shocking tidbits that’ll send rainbow confetti spewing out of your noggin. Whip out a few at your next cocktail party and you might even impress a few friends — it’s amazing how much about food and nutrition you didn’t know.

Debate in the comments — which fact(s) did you find to be the most mind-blowing?


47 Shocking Food, Health, & Nutrition Facts That’ll Blow Rainbow Confetti Out Of Your Noggin



food facts, interesting food facts, shocking food facts, nutrition facts, fun food facts, random food facts



food facts, interesting food facts, shocking food facts, nutrition facts, fun food facts, random food facts

Source: CinnabonCoca-Cola


food facts, interesting food facts, shocking food facts, nutrition facts, fun food facts, random food facts

Source: Lean It UP


food facts, interesting food facts, shocking food facts, nutrition facts, fun food facts, random food facts

Source: Starbucks


food facts, interesting food facts, shocking food facts, nutrition facts, fun food facts, random food facts

Sources: NY TimesJournal of Pain


1 in every 8 Americans has been employed by McDonald’s

Source: McDonald’s/Fast Food Nation


This is what’s in your subway chicken and bread

Source: Lean It UP, Subway


Drying fruit causes massive nutrient loss, depleting 30-80% of its vitamin and antioxidant content.

Source: NutritionDataUSDA



Source: Statistic Brain


Adding citrus juice to green tea stabilizes its catechin content, boosting the level of antioxidants that survive the digestive system up to

Source: PurdueTufts


Pages: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-47


Bryan DiSanto

Bryan DiSanto

Owner & Editor-in-Chief at Lean It UP
Bryan DiSanto is the Owner & Editor-in-Chief of Lean It UP, a culinary student at Le Cordon Bleu – Paris, an ACE-CPT & CSN, NYU graduate, ex-fat kid, and all-around fitness/nutrition nutjob.

He also contributes to Men's Health Magazine.

When he’s not working on his (or somebody else’s) abs, whipping up Eggocados, or running a Tough Mudder, he’s probably off yelling at a Carolina Panthers game somewhere.
Bryan DiSanto

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

  • urooj

    great…its shocking

  • urooj

    i want to share some thing with u all who read this that everyday i take one point about my biology chapter and then tell to my teacher and share with my class fellows b/c it quote that “The education will be increased and rise when you share your knowledge with some one”

  • urooj

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  • Peter

    this was very informative :)

  • John

    Yes this was :)

  • venus

    I have to admit that this was shocking and interesting (especially the strawberries, blueberries and blackberries are not berries part) but at some of the facts I didn’t understand not one single word they are saying, but still, I realllly got interested in your facts. and thx for sharing them :)

  • reet hoves

    Yes I like it
    Here are a list of Top10 Facts About Food Regulation which The Government Hopes You Won’t Notice, Americans put a considerable measure of confidence see more at

  • Manjula PL

    Good info

    also read this article on your health facts

    Urine Color says your health condition

  • Sam Jacob

    The picture for the grass-fed vs grain-fed omega 3 in cows currently says that 5 grass-fed cows are the same as 1 grain-fed one when you mean it the other way around.

    • Bryan DiSanto

      It’s meant to represent relative omega-3 content. Grass-fed cows contain 2-5x more omega-3s than corn-fed = 5 cows vs. 1 cow.

      It would be like having a bar graph that’s 5x as high. Sorry if it was confusing!

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